Contact Form Information:

Contact Form (Communication): This site uses a contact form. Contact information submitted via our contact form (name, email address, etc.) is intended to be used for communication between the sender and recipient in regard to the message sent, and is not sold or given away to third parties or used for other purposes.

One Signal Subscription Service:

Web Push Notifications (Subscriptions): This site uses the One Signal third party subscription service for Web Push notifications. These subscriptions are simply used to inform subscribers of new and updated content as it is published on this site. Read more about the One Signal Privacy Policy.

Third Party Cookies:

Cloudflare (DNS): This site uses the third party Cloudflare service to provide geolocation, secure access, and improve site speed.

Google Analytics (Site Improvement): This site uses Google Analytics, a third party traffic monitoring service. Google Analytics does use cookies to collect information about how visitors use this site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form (via IP Anonymization), including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited. This information is necessary to help us optimize and improve the site. You can opt-out from Analytics tracking by visiting this link.

Google AdSense (Monetization): This site also uses Google AdSense, a third party advertising service to serve ads to our visitors. According to Google, cookies are required by AdSense to allow for frequency capping, aggregated ad reporting, and to combat fraud and abuse. For personalized ads, cookies are further utilized by Google to collect information about your visit in order to provide related advertisements of interest to you. For more details regarding Google’s privacy policy, visit here. To opt-out of Google’s personalized Ads, visit here.

Amazon (Monetization): Additionally, this site participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to monetize by linking to As an affiliate, this site earns a commission from purchases made via these links. For Amazon ad personalization opt-out preferences, visit here.

For more extensive NAI opt-out options, visit here.

Third Party Advertisements:

Please note: We are not associated with third party advertisers advertisements you might see on this site through these third party resources (use caution and follow ads at your own risk!). As providers of these advertising services, these companies should be filtering ads as they enter their network. However, if you notice a problem with an advertisement presented on this site, please contact us with detailed information regarding the ad. With your help, we have blocked several misleading advertisements and continue to do so.