1.25.9 (Saturday, February 19, 2022) is the most recent stable release.

VeraCrypt Setup 1.25.9.exe (21.1 MB) EXE Installer (PGP Signature)
VeraCrypt Setup x64 1.25.9.msi MSI Installer (64-bit) for Windows 10 and later (29 MB) (Signature: PGP)
VeraCrypt Portable 1.25.9.exe (20.9 MB) is the portable version (PGP Signature)
VeraCrypt 1.25.9 Windows Symbols.zip (18.4 MB) Debugging Symbols (PGP Signature)


Based on TrueCrypt 7.1a, VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption program. It encrypts entire disks as well as virtual volumes that can be mounted on the fly. VeraCrypt supports AES, Serpent, and TwoFish encryption algorithms, as well as keyfiles, security tokens, hotkeys, and other features.

VeraCrypt improves the security of the methods used to encrypt the system and partitions, making it resistant to new brute-force assaults.
VeraCrypt also addresses several of TrueCrypt's flaws and security issues.

Windows Vista/7 Requirements: Windows 7 support necessitates the installation of either KB3033929 or KB4474419. Windows Vista compatibility necessitates the installation of either KB4039648 or KB4474419.

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